How To Become A Werewolf

1) Complete a quest for Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun. He can be found at Dragonsreach. After completing a quest for him you can join the Companions. Their headquarters are in Whiterun. Join them and complete every quest they give you until you are tasked to find some items and meet them at the Underforge. Becoming a werewolf is close now!
2) Find the items and meet the Companions at the Underforge. You will attend a ritual which aims to make turn you into werewolf. Just complete the quest and you will become a werewolf.
Becoming a werewolf has it's benefits, however these benefits affect you only when you have transformed into the big and bloodthirsty beast. After you transform, all of your stats are increased by 100 and you sprinting speed is faster than a horse's gallop! Lastly, you gain a shout that fears enemies and summons wolves.

If you don't want to be a werewolf anymore and you don't know how to do so, don't panic. There IS a cure. Getting cured is much easier than becoming a werewolf however think twice before deciding to cure yourself as you will lose every benefit that Lycanthropy gives you and you will not be able to become a werewolf ever again. If you still want to be cured, keep reading. Curing Lycanthropy is pretty simple, all you have to do is, after you finish the Companion questline, talk to Aela The Huntress and ask her about the "Companions Affliction". After learning all you need, talk to Kodlak, who can be found in Jorvaskr, and ask him about the cure for Lycanthropy. Take and complete the quest that he gives you, but remember that if you are cured there is no way of becoming a werewolf ever again.
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