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In Skyrim, you have the freedom to make your character, completely as you wish. Instead of choosing your class from a menu, in Skyrim your character's class is defined by the perks you have chosen and the level of your skills. In TES 4 Oblivion, the characters stats were Strength, Willpower, Inteligence, Agility, Endurance, Perception and Luck. When you leveled up you increased these stats. That's not how Skyrim works. In Skyrim the characters stats are only Magicka, Health and Stamina.When you level up you increase one of these. So, in conclusion, your class is defined by your perks, the level of your skills and the ammount of Magicka, Health and Stamina you have. In order to make a powerfull character though, you should also choose the right race. For example Nords are better Warriors, because that race has bonuses that favour warriors.
So, here is my class guide. It's aim is to help beginers, who don't have a lot of knowledge about Skyrim, and, give ideas to Skyrim enthusiasts, who know how to play the game but need some professional help from a guy like me who has been playing TES since Daggerfall. For every class I assumed the character was level 50, so each character has 49 perks and 49 stat increasements. Read every word of my class guide and most of all ENJOY!
A pure warrior is a class that, as the title says, is only a warrior, which means that such a character doesn't use Stealth and Magic skills, he doesn't spend his perks on Stealth and Magic Perk Trees and doesn't increase his magicka, as he only needs health and stamina. He uses Heavy Armor. To attack he uses swords, maces or axes and to defend himself he uses a shield.Or instead of these he uses a Two-Handed weapon.
Race: Nord, Imperial, Orc or Redguard
Stats: Magicka 100, Health 450, Stamina 240
Standing Stone: The Warrior, The Lady or The Steed
Heavy Armor: Every Perk
Two-Handed: Every Perk
Smithing: Every Perk
8 Perk Points left, spend them anywhere you want.
Block: Every Perk
Heavy Armor: Every Perk
One Handed: Armsman x5, Fighting Stance, Savage Strike, Critital Strike, Paralyzing Strike, 3 Perk Points go to the perks of your weapon, if you use swords spend 3 points in Bladesman, if you use maces spend 3 points in Bone Breaker and if you use Axes spend 3 points in Hack and Slash.
Smithing: Every Perk
2 Perk Points left, spend them anywhere you want.
A pure mage is initially the weakest of all classes but in the late game, the pure mage is the deadliest character. A pure mage uses only magic skills with the exeption of Alchemy. He doesn't ever use his physical power to kill, that means that he doesnt use any warriors skills, and with the exeption of Alchemy, he doesn't ever use thiefs skills either. Magic is all he needs as there are spells that even give him armor rating! If the pure mage has allocated his perks and stat increasements correctly then he is almost undefeatable even at Master difficulty. A pure mage only wears clothes and uses spells of any type to attack or defend himself, and as he doesn't use any weapons the only stats that he needs are Magicka and some Health, Stamina is useless for him because even if he wants to carry more items with him he can cast a feather spell!
Race: High Elf, Breton, Dark Elf
Race: High Elf, Breton, Dark Elf
Stats: Magicka 450, Health 240, Stamina 100
Standing Stone: The Mage, The Atronach or The Apprentice
A pure thief is a class that suits perfectly those who like stealth and stealing. As a pure thief you will quickly become rich and making money (or stealing) is generally easier if your class is the pure thief. It also the funniest and most enjoyable class for me. A pure thief likes to make money, which means that he will invest a lot of his perks in lockpicking and pickpocketing. He obviously doesn't want to be detected so sneak is a must. In addition he doesn't like close combat, no thieves like close combat, so he will use a bow to kill his enemies from distance. He will also rely on deadly poisons to ensure his kills. A class like the pure thief definitely doesn't like Heavy Armor. As it's name says, Heavy Armor is so heavy that the thief will be spotted just from the noice the armor makes. As Heavy Armor is not recomended, Light Armor is the best option. Not only does Light Armor make less noice but if the thief levels up his Light Armor skill he will be able to choose a perk that completely eliminates the noice made by Light Armor. A pure thief may want to use some spells but it's not recomended. The only spells that favour thieves are healing and invisibility, but why use spells when the thief can make potions to become invisible and heal himself? Lastly a pure thief just because doesn't need to use any spells he doesn't need to increase his magicka, so the only stats that care him are health and stamina.
Race: Argonian, Wood Elf or Khajiit
Stats: 100 Magicka, Health 400, Stamina 290
Standing Stone: The Thief, The Shadow, The Steed, The Lady, The Tower or the Serpent
Standing Stone: The Mage, The Atronach or The Apprentice
Destruction: Every Perk
Restoration: Every Perk
Enchanting: Enchanter x5, Insightfull Enchanter, Corpus Enchanter, Extra Effect, Fire Enchanter
Alchemy: Alchemist x5, Physician, Benefactor
3 Perk Points left, spend them on Magic Skill Trees.
A Necromancer uses bound weapons to attack.
Conjuration: Every Perk
Illusion: Every perk exept of Master of the Mind and Quiet Casting
Restoration: Novice Restoration, Regeneration (A Necromancer uses only the basic healing spell and these two perks help a lot)
Alteration: Novice Alteration, Apprentice Alteration, Adept Alteration, Alteration Dual Casting, Mage Armor x3 and Stability
Enchanting: Enchanter x5 (Enchanting is only used to enchant your clothes)

Race: Argonian, Wood Elf or Khajiit
Stats: 100 Magicka, Health 400, Stamina 290
Standing Stone: The Thief, The Shadow, The Steed, The Lady, The Tower or the Serpent
Archery: Overdraw x5, Eagles Eye, Steady Hand x2, Power Shot
One-Handed: Armsman x2
Light Armor: Agile Defender x5, Custom Fit
Sneak: Stealth x5, Muffled Movement, Backstab, Deadly Aim, Assassin's Blade
Lockpicking: Novice/Apprentice/Adept/Expert/Master Locks, Quick Hands, Locksmith, Unbreakable
Pickpocket: Light Fingers x5, Night Thief, Extra Pockets
Alchemy: Alchemist x5, Physician, Poisoner, Concentrated Poison
A Skyrim Guide...Builds, Classes and Tips. Thanks for Reading
A Skyrim Guide...Builds, Classes and Tips. Thanks for Reading
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